Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Connecting OpenOffice to Pentaho/Mondrian

I was recently involved in developing some functionality for the OpenOffice plug-in for Palo and noticed that it can take an XMLA data source. I wasn't sure on how to set the parameters to connect to Pentaho/Mondrain. I had a look at the code and thought this may help someone out.

The Palo plug-in can be downloaded from http://www.jpalo.com. I was involved in developing version 2.0.3 that should hopefully be out soon. Version 2.0.2 will also work fine.

If you have trouble setting up new cubes for XMLA access, I found the following thread very usefull: http://forums.pentaho.org/showthread.php?t=70853

Click on the image to see a larger image

Have a look at the "Server" and "Port" parameters.

Until later,